My future Job

 Hello everyone, today it´s time to talk about job, I study Chemistry and Pharmacy, now I am in the second year, for that I don´t thinking much about my future job, for now. If I need talk about my future job the most interesting for me, is the clinical pharmacy. Last year I met three professors who were clinical pharmacists, I talk a lot with theirs, and ended this job catch my attention.

I hope once time I finish my studies ,I can go to other country for can do a postgrade, maybe work a time abroad. One thing I have noted it´s that pharmaceutical chemists make good salaries even after graduating fron college. But I don´t care much if in the future I have regular salary, the most important thing for me is learn as much as possible and teach to others, maybe I can be a teacher someday, Who knows.

I always study and learn new things, not only for pass the courses of the university, my motivation is learn for can be a good professional, in a future can do an excellent work, help the people like health professional and contribute to sciencie with new discoveries.

Well, this is my future job (I hope).
Thanks for read and see you next time.


  1. Wow, I would like to be a teacher too someday. I hope that one day you can achieve everything that you set your mind to

  2. Hope you can get a job in the clinical area or as a teacher, the first one looks very interesting.

  3. The way you talk about your future job it's very encouraging! I hope you can achieve all your goals and dreams

  4. Wow, I would like to work in the area of clinical pharmacy too.


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