Holidays in Pucon

 Hello everyone today Im going talk about the best holidays of I had. The holidays  was in summer of 2016, I went to south of Chile with my school classmates, we were to Pucon in the Araucania region. 

We were there for two weeks and stayed in cabins. Every days we had activities guided by uncle Homer, the coolest activities I remember were: rafting in the rain (in my opinion the best of all), paintball and games on the beach against other schools. 

This holidays are the best so far, becuase it was the last year we would be together, the following year we separated by specialty. On the other hand the destination chosen by my companions is one of my favourites, because I had never traveled to the south of Chile, and I like so much cold and rainy climates. It was incredible because most of the days of our travel was rain, but the weather was perfect becuase it was not cold, besides none of our activities were cancelled, its more the mades the activities more special.


  1. OMG! I've always wanted to go rafting! Pucon is a very beautiful place. I also enjoyed a vacation there with my friends.

  2. I did paintball too, it´s very cool! years ago I visited Pucon and is a wonderful place

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  4. Wow, I also did rafting in the rain and it is definitely the best thing I’ve done in my life.

  5. The south of Chile is so beautiful, I hope I can go to Pucon anytime soon!

  6. I would like to play paintball with my friends someday, I think it would be really funny.


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